The Small Business Evolution
In Small Business these days, the words NEW NORMAL are overused & already eye-rollingly tired & cliched. They are tired & cliched because #newnormal is a MYTH.
History has proven that #smallbusiness fortunes, for better or worse follow a Crisis, moments of truth when an #SME will adapt or die.
Right now many are figuring out how to adapt & in doing so a pattern is emerging. While we SMEs may be on the same long road to recovery, two distinct groups are forming & choosing to take different PATHS.
PATH 1: The path of least resistance that leads back to business as usual, despite having weathered a storm the decision to hold on tight to the tried and true. A return to predictable ways is one way of dealing with uncertainty & while understandable it’s more likely to result in mediocre performance & failure.
PATH 2: The hard path, acceptance there is no normal to return to. This group believes future chances are better off resisting the lure to resume their previous form & function. They are open to viewing their strategy, customers, operations & cost structure through a new lens.
Neither of the PATHS is right or wrong, they’re just decisions to go about things in 2 different ways, both exist in exactly the same turbulent worlds.
Which PATH would you or will you follow?
Graphic: VFormation