Update as at Tues 12 May 2020. Further to the comments below – we are making amendments to the way in which this project will be carried out.
We are Leaders not followers and we want to encourage you to do the same. You can lead independently, you don’t have to be part of the herd.
Our “Research for Change Project – Revitalising the business sector and Northland Economy” will be out soon. We are working on our terms of reference.
The project seeks alternative solutions from the community. Communities drive economies because businesses need consumers.
Submissions will be sought through a question and answer format available online and via hard copy or phone in version.
The Project will run for at least six months. Business Crisis Support NZ will report their findings thereafter, earlier – if necessary – with periodic reports. Depending on what comes to hand.
Take the lead and make changes you see fit in your own communities and regions regarding revitalising business and the economy.
Thank you Lisa Cowe (Director All About Computers, and tireless Social Justice Campaigner), Allan Cooney (Belyanna Consulting, Queensland, Australia), Alan Cox (Founder Akimbo, Christchurch), Stephanie Holt (STEM, USA), Paul King (Owner, c-suite-psych.com) for allowing me to reproduce your inspirational articles on our website.
We have got our Panel together for the research for change project. Comprising of community-minded people with lived experience of business loss and the impact on mental health which translates to empathy and compassion for others, lived experience of working through significant business crisis situations, including supporting business owners through Covid-19.
We are currently translating all information relating to this project into “Easy Read.”
“Easy Read” information is for people who have difficulty reading and understanding written information.
It is for some people who:
a) have a learning disability
b) have challenged literacy levels
c) use English as a second language
d) are Deaf.
Some people will be able to read “Easy Read” information independently while others will need someone to help them facilitate the information.