Dry bones, Dry bones – and big Dreams



In business there are hierarchies but at the moment the Pandemic has shown Kiwis, we are all the same. The gap is closing between the haves and have nots – even if only temporarily. You are now us. Whether we are white, brown, black, tan, olive, disabled, able-bodied, transgender, gay, ugly, pretty, fat, or skinny. In the end when our time has come, we will all look the same – as dry bones.

I have been facing my own mortality since I was diagnosed with heartfailure and COPD in 2015. If the Covid-19 virus takes me out, at least I can say:I spent the last few years of my life living the dream, doing what I love doing and that’s always to Campaign for even bigger dreams for disenfranchised business people, and a better understanding about the plight of business people who have fallen on hard times.

I dream of the day that Accountants, Book keepers, Financial and Business Advisors, Business Advisorsl provide better advice and  support that actually adds real value to a business – so that there are no business failures or business loss.   I dream of the day that compulsory licensing is required before Book Keepers and Business Advisors in New Zealand can practise.

I dream of the day that the Govt will Change NZ Accounting Law and introduce a Book Keeping Act (which I am still drafting at the moment).

I dream of the day that NZ’s Banks and bankruptcy regimes strike a balance between debtor and creditor needs because Christchurch’s Lisa Cowe has campaigned tirelessly for these changes not for herself but for all New Zealanders.

I dream of the day Lisa Cowe’s campaign to take people’s names off the Insolvency Register become a reality. I dream that a Lawyer can represent  bankrupts and win a case – because legal clauses have been changed.

I look forward to the day that we can all say – ‘Fair is fair’ and we do indeed see things are ‘fair.’ – Fiona Green

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